Top 10 Things Brides Forget on their Big Day!

In all the hustle and bustle of excitement on your wedding it's easy to forget a few important things. To save our brides the stress on their big day we've decided to list the top 10 things that brides tend to forget. We hope this helps to calm your nerves!

1. Wedding Rings - It may seem a very stupid thing to forget your wedding rings on the day but it has been done! To make sure this doesn't happen we suggest that you give one person the job of looking after the rings. This saves the awkward "I thought you had them?!" conversation at the end of the aisle. Another tip we give is that if you're having a young pageboy, don't give him the real rings to carry down the aisle because you're just asking for them to be lost. You could always give him fake rings instead and make sure your best man has the real ones. 

2. Make sure you have the number of the hotel you're staying at. It's always a good idea to give them a ring and let them know what time you'll be checking in, you wouldn't want to turn up in the early hours of the morning and not be able to get in! Give them a quick reminder that it's your wedding night as well, there might be a nice bottle of champagne and some chocolates waiting for you. 

3. Comfortable shoes! - Dancing in heels all night is inevitably going to become painful, so just take something more comfortable to get changed into. Whether that's a customised diamanté pair of converse or simply a pair of flip flops, anything will do.

4. Drink water - even if you're not drinking alcohol on the day it's still a good idea to keep drinking water. As everyone knows a lack of water can cause you headaches and you want to be feeling as good as ever, not having to take painkillers on your day.

4. Know what photographs you want - many brides have specific ideas of what pictures they want as keep sakes but in all the excitement they tend to forget! If you want a specific picture of your dress or a specific pose with your husband, make sure you tell your photographer before the day. This way there's no chance of you missing out on the snaps you wanted. 

5. Put your engagement ring back on - you'll need to take it off to allow you husband to put your wedding band on but after the ceremony you'll want to show them both off together.

6. Check out your ceremony space - you've spent so long planning your flowers and how beautiful you want the church to look that it's not worth not being able to remember what it looked like. So, just take a few moment to admire the beautiful space which you're getting married in. Maybe it's the flowers as you walk down the aisle or how wonderful all your guests look for your big day.

7. Collect sentimental items - don't leave anything you'll wish you'd kept at the ceremony. Keep a few programs and special items for yourself, give them to a family member or friend who could keep hold of them for you until after you get back from your honeymoon. Some brides even wish they'd kept their flowers, maybe you could dry a few out and frame them or put them in a special place.

8. Emergency Kit - We hate to say it, but emergencies happen - spills, paper cuts, ripped hems, and more. Create an emergency (or ask one of your bridesmaids to help you out), that includes a few essentials - stain kit, sewing kit, double-sided tape, plasters, tissues, and dental floss are all important to include.

9. Rain Gear - Mother Nature is unpredictable, so bring a cute umbrella and maybe a pair of rain boots just in case.

10. Gifts for Maids, Mums and Best Man - Your party of friends have been with you through the wedding-planning process thick and thin. Express your thanks by preparing gifts for them! These gifts don't have to be extravagant or anything, but it does mean a lot to the people in your wedding party when you show them that you took the time to put some effort and meaning into making gifts that they will appreciate. Popular gifts for ladies usually consist of beauty products or jewellery, and for the guy? Cuff links, fancy cigars or razors. 

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