Designer Weekends

Designer weekends are a great way to see the latest collections from a designer. They bring in all of their latest collection for you to see, even ones that we don't currently hold in stock in our store (as we only have a limited amount of space). When we are ordering in the first dresses of each collection, it is really difficult to choose which ones to buy and which ones we can't. That's one of the reasons we enjoy Designer Weekends so much, as we also get to see anything we missed out on. If we find that one dress gets a lot of orders from a designer weekend, we might decide to order it in the future.

This Saturday and Sunday at Especially For You, we have arranged for you to see the latest collection from the Opulence Bridal and the latest accessories collection from Liza Designs . This is a fabulous opportunity to see what each designer has to offer, especially if you've had a look at the Opulence Bridal website, and know that these are the kinds of dresses for you.

As this is our first designer weekend of 2014, we have decided to give a 14% discount on any orders placed for Opulence dresses on this weekend. It is an 'appointment only' event held on the 15th and 16th of February. Both collections will only be here for the two days, so if you are ready to choose your gown, make an appointment to come and see the dresses by calling on 01772 785334 soon, or leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. To give you an idea of the kind styles that the Opulence Collection has, here are some pictures, all with the names of the dresses underneath. Hope you enjoyed this week's Wedding Wednesday, and we hope to see you this on the 15th and 16th of February.



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